What are your rights as a volunteer?
Everyone has the right to apply to be a volunteer and for their candidacy to be considered without discrimination. However, in certain cases, volunteers may be subject to selection criteria such as age or the conditions for involvement or training related to the special nature of the voluntary work to be performed.
If you are a volunteer, you are entitled to the full protection of your human rights when carrying out the work.
As a volunteer, you have the right to:
- be informed of the tasks you will be performing prior to the commencement of your service
- safe working conditions that do not cause harm to health
- request a statement confirming the performance and duration of the voluntary work
- refuse to perform volunteer service if it does not conform to your proficiency or skills, or if the work is not acceptable to you
- be insured by the organiser of the volunteer service if you are carrying out voluntary work that is insurable by law
- terminate the legal relationship with the organiser without delay if you have an important reason for doing so (which for reasons of morals or fairness precludes you from continuing the performance of the volunteer service)
important Voluntary work cannot be performed for the replacement of an employee. If the work you are performing would otherwise be carried out by a paid employee, the acceptance of your voluntary work without remuneration is illegal.
What human rights violation may there be?
Depending on the nature of the voluntary work that you are carrying out, several of your human rights may be affected. For example, if you are being discriminated against during the selection procedure or the work itself, i.e., if you are being prohibited from carrying out the work because of your nationality or ethnicity, your right to not be discriminated against may be violated. Alternatively, if the organiser of the volunteer service does not observe the requirements for safe working conditions and you are harmed, your right to life may have been violated. In addition, if you are forced to perform work, it is in violation of the prohibition of forced labour.